Jayveer Parmar is a nippy medium-pacer hailing from Gujarat who has the ability to get the ball to seam off the wicket as a first-change bowler. As a twenty-year-old, he made his debut in the 2018 Zonal T20 league for Gujarat and made a mark, picking up a 4-for against Saurashtra, skittling through the lower order, to hand Gujarat a comfortable victory. A precocious talent at the Under-19 level as well, Parmar has graduated to the senior level seamlessly and has a limited range of performances at this level to judge his prowess as a cricket. However, if he takes himself seriously, and perhaps builds himself a little more, physically, it is likely that he goes on to become the next big thing in Indian fast bowling - given that he is still a young 20-year-old. His economy rate of just over 7 in T20s is impressive for now, but how long can he sustain it? Only time will tell.
Written by Rishi Roy